The Economics of Twitter

Purpose of Twitter 

In 2006, Jack Dorsey, Evan Williams, Biz Stone, and Noah Glass had no intentions of creating a $1.22 billion dollar social media page that would potentially connect everyone worldwide. According to co-founder Evan Williams, Twitter is becoming “an information network, a practically priceless exchange for connections, information, and the resulting activity that ensure”.  There are roughly 232 million active users worldwide that have Twitter accounts. News reporting companies such as CNN, NBC, and Fox News all have prominent and influential tweets on news around the world. For example, the Brussels bombing in the airport that happened just recently, was reported all over twitter by each one of these news companies. There was live tweeting regarding the issues and what was happening for example, at other countries like Paris who strengthened their security nationwide.

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Big Businesses Impact on Twitter

Certain name brands such as Nike, Coca-Cola, and Oreos all have a certain fan group that allows users to follow them. The people who follow these certain accounts will be able to see when a product is on sale, or if a change in price is made. Also, discounts play a huge part in the role of name brands on Twitter. Through these accounts, their fans are allowed to interact with companies and customers, take suggestions that others may like, and successfully promote their brand name worldwide. Not to mention, every now and then advertisements will appear on Twitter pages that force users to watch them. Twitter today continues to grow daily in revenue and the number of users.

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Business Insider
Twitter Economics

2 thoughts on “The Economics of Twitter

  1. Twitter is very interesting in that it has such a large viewer-base; but has such strict character limits that have defined Twitter apart from other social outlets. I do also think that Twitter underlines dangers in new mass mediums; for example a false news tweet reporting that there had been a terror attack in DC once caused the Dow Jones to drop as a result. While Twitter may be great for casual or social purposes, I am always hesitant to use it for news or substantial reporting.


  2. Twitter really is an amazing for of social media. It always the users to express their feelings or news that is going on in their live instantaneously through 140 characters and a picture. When that is that case I find twitter to be very effective between friends and family. When it starts to go into the business side of things it can be useful but also sketchy. The fine line between soft and hard news can be really tested. With the power of virality how do we know if a story is actually true or not? Regardless of news is true or not people will still re-tweet, like or comment their views. Great article on Twitter!


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